Published: 28th April 2022

DESPITE the obvious dangers of an overloaded van, many companies continue to improve their mobile workspace environment both from a health and safety perspective along with efficiency and the day-to-day potential to increase profit and productivity.
Many businesses have inadequate interior and exterior design, leading to more opportunities for accidents to take place. In particular the need for all equipment to be secure whilst travelling.
Also, vital is organisation, clear visibility of equipment and solid structuring racking systems for vans and delivery vehicles.

Achieving this is simple – the experts at SM UK offer various 3D Cad designs as part of our bespoke solution along with the fitting of the Sortimo’s superior high quality racking systems for vans and delivery vehicles.
“Having tested industry options SM UK have found that Sortimo’s van racking system offers a fresh ergonomic solution”.
So, what should you consider when installing a modern van racking system? The two vital factors safety and quality.
Day to Day Productivity
Many businesses will work to improve their productivity in the workplace, as this can be the key to their success in particular the trades sector but productivity can suffer in any sector or business so it’s important that processes and structures are set in place to maintain a higher level of business activity.
A tradesperson often spends time searching for the required tools, machines and materials, adding time and cost to the business. The most common time wasted is when materials have been forgotten, this often effects the day, weeks work as everything is pushed back therefore costing the business money and reputation.
“Some of our clients who have never considered racking, now state they couldn’t effectively work without it”- Simon Gadsby SM UK
Sortimo modern van racking systems significantly boost efficiency in everyday business. As your workforce would benefit from a very clear overview of the materials, machines and tools, therefore every working day is much more productive.
You can spare yourself troublesome searching, hectic reordering, and on-going problems by talking to SM UK about your racking needs, as they have a vast selection of high-quality products, van racking systems and services along with a tailored service.
Tradespeople benefit from a considerable amount of time saved thanks to the van racking systems from Sortimo. Loading space capacities are optimally used, and safety standards raised. Time spent searching for things is minimised. Extra trips for missing parts are also reduced considerably.
Van racking systems from SMUK are individually designed for any vehicle type.
Our team are here to help you get the best from your van. “This is often seen as a big purchase which is why we are here to guide you through the process from discovery to final fit”. – Simon Gadsby SM UK
What are the benefits when using a Sortimo van racking system?
• Reduces movement of work equipment in a moving vehicle
• Bespoke design to suit your vehicle
• Easy to find work equipment at a glance
• Reduces vehicles interior damage
• Can increase or maintain the vehicle value
• Easy access of tool for day-to-day work life
• Professional appearance
Van Racking Systems, Cases, Boxes, Load-Securing Systems, Jumbo-Units, Roof Racks and Work Benches etc.
To find out more Call Simon Gadsby on 07756209126
or Email